Deployment Options

Designed For the Way You Do Business

AnalysisPlace tools can be accessed via the web or delivered as Excel-based tools – or both – depending on specific business requirements. Web-based tools can be hosted on AnalysisPlace or integrated directly into client websites. Excel-based tools can either be standalone or enabled with Web services – providing similar collaboration, centralized storage and data sharing capabilities as web-based versions.

Tool Types

Typical User By Role

Web-Based (No Excel Needed)
Excel-Based with Web Services
Excel-Based Standalone
Lead Generation
Custom Surveys
Sales Executives
Value-Based Storytelling
Personalized Sales Presentations
ROI and TCO Analyses
Proposal Generation
Sales Engineering
Detailed ROI/TCO Studies
Product Configuration
Highly Customized ROI/TCO Studies
Personalized Client Reports
Capabilities by Tool Type
Centralized Cloud Storage
Data Sharing and Collaboration
Tool Can Be Used Offline