API Demo

This page contains a simple example to demonstrate the Template-based Document Generation API.

The demo use simple html/JavaScript, but you can access our API from any platform using any programming language using JSON and standard REST-based web services.

Our Document Generation API is very powerful, but what makes it truly unique is how our Office add-in makes it substantially easier to 'link' to data and to test your templates and create sample request JSON. See details.


In this example, the app (based on user inputs) submits some text, a table, and an image and the service returns updated Word or PowerPoint invoices based on a template.

Customer Name:
Price ($):

Card title

This is a wider card with supporting text below as a natural lead-in to additional content. This content is a little bit longer.

Last updated 3 mins ago

Request JSON:
Response JSON:

AnalysisPlace Document Generation Service (Template-Based)

With this API, your app submits data (text, tables, and images, in standard JSON format) to the service and it returns your updated document. The service is very easy to set up because it uses our popular Office add-in to easily link the data and to manage and test your templates. It also provides the exact JSON data structure for your app to use.


Excel-based Calculation Service - in this example, the app (based on user inputs) submits some data to the Calculation Service; the service performs data lookups, calculations, and updates some charts; the service returns the results to the client; which displays the results on the page. It performs the calculations based on an Excel template that was uploaded to the service. The calculation service supports highly complex logic and calculations (essentially any analysis that Excel can perform).

To customize the results, modify the inputs below:

Your Current Age
Retirement Savings Balance ($)
Annual Savings Amount ($)
Desired Retirement Age
Income Replacement (%)

Request JSON:
Response JSON:

AnalysisPlace Calculation Service

This is a very flexible and powerful calculation service based on logic, formulas, and lookups in your Excel templates. Your application submits inputs; our service calculates and returns results (values and graphs) based on your workbook.


Combined - this example combines the 2 APIs. The app (based on user inputs) submits data to the service; the service performs calculations; the results (text, tables, and charts) are inserted into Word and PowerPoint templates. You can then view/download the documents.

To customize the results, modify the inputs below:

Customer Name
User Count



Request JSON:
Response JSON:

Combined API Service

You can combine the Calculation API with the Document API: submit data, have the Calculation API calculate outputs and graphs, then the results are used to update your documents. This is done in a single API call.
