Subscription Purchase

AnalysisPlace offers 2 ways to purchase subscriptions: Stripe and Microsoft AppSource

Which payment processor should I choose (Stripe or Microsoft AppSource)?

Both are appropriate for individuals, as well as, any-sized business

Pricing and subscription options are the same

Both are highly secure and can be used globally

Subscriptions are month-to-month and can be cancelled any time with either processor



Microsoft Marketplace (AppSource)

To purchase

Purchase Using Stripe

Microsoft AppSource

When to choose

Easier/faster to get started

Easier to make subscription changes

Requires a Microsoft 365 Business Account

Can be combined with Microsoft 365 corporate billing if purchased by a Microsoft 365 administrator

Payment method options

Variety: Credit Card, Apple Pay, Google Pay, and others

Credit card only

To manage your purchase 
(change plan/quantity or cancel)

Microsoft 365 Admin Center > Billing > Your Products

Clear the filters on the right side to make non-Microsoft products visible

Or use this form to request more information or to set up payment using traditional monthly invoicing. Traditional invoicing requires a minimum $100 per month fee.


For pricing details, see the Pricing page.


Manage Subscriptions and Accounts

How to Manage Subscriptions - how to manage subscriptions (for Stripe and Microsoft AppSource purchases), including changing plans and quantities and canceling subscriptions

How to Manage Your Account - how to manage your business account (control user access to the add-in, change administrators, view usage reports, set optional settings, etc.)


A Free Business Trial with unlimited access to and usage of the add-in for 30 to 90 days is available to anyone with a business email who expects to have one or more other coworkers use the add-in.