Template-Based Report Generation

Instantly create personalized Word and PowerPoint documents based on content in your Excel workbook

Empower your team to easily create data-rich documents from within their Excel workbooks -- simply select one of your templates from a list and click "Create Document"

Ensure your team is using on-brand, approved, and up-to-date templates

Improve productivity and document quality -- put a stop to manual copy/paste from Excel

Use your workbooks and your documents as templates -- any Word or PowerPoint document "linked" to the workbook using the core add-in can be used as a template

The add-in makes it easy to link, test, upload, and manage document templates and associated Excel-based tools


Excel to Word Logo showing you can create/update Word and PowerPoint documents from templates in Excel


Document Generation enables authorized users to create personalized Word and PowerPoint reports from templates that are securely stored in the cloud. Users select the reports from a drop-down list in the Excel add-in. The templates are simply Word or PowerPoint documents uploaded and linked through the core add-in.

Document Generation Examples


Document Generation Use Cases

If your users update documents based on content in Excel, they could save time and improve document quality using our solution. Here are a few common use cases:


Document Generation Overview