Loading/Installing the Add-in
Office add-ins run in a browser controlled by Microsoft Office. Add-ins require Internet access to load and function. Add-ins can read/edit the document they are opened in. |
Cannot access the Office Store
In the Office ribbon, Insert > Get Add-ins, the store is disabled
Cannot add the add-in
The "Excel-to-Word Document Automation" add-in does not appear in the Office Store
- Our add-in will only appear in the Office Store (Office Ribbon > Insert > Add-ins > Get Add-ins) if your system is compatible.
- Our add-in requires Microsoft/Office 365 or Office 2019 or newer.
"ADD-IN ERROR - We can't load this add-in because we couldn't connect to the catalog" |
- This error occurs when trying to open the add-in. It indicates that network communications to Microsoft or AnalysisPlace servers are likely blocked by your company firewall. Contact your IT administrator to try to unblock communications from the add-in to remote servers via the Internet.
"Need Admin Approval"
Permission required to access add-in |
- Your company requires admin approval to use this add-in. Contact your Microsoft 365 administrator to request access.
Linking, Submitting, and Updating
Source Items in Excel must be named and items to be updated in Word/PowerPoint must be linked prior to performing a successful Update.
See the "List" tab in Excel and the "Link" tab in Word and PowerPoint for instructions on how to link. Also see the "Insert Sample Content" to see how sample content is linked and updated.
Common issues are caused by incorrect use of the "Item Name Prefix" and not submitting from Excel.
Connection ID issues
You don't need to view/enter a Connection ID if you are signed into either Office or the add-ins
Excel "Submit" is not submitting items
The add-in says "No items submitted"
- Make sure each of the named content items (range names, charts, shapes, etc.) in Excel starts with the "Item Name Prefix" (for example "r_").
- See "How to Name Content" on the "List" tab of the add-in.
- On the "List" tab of the add-in, click "List/Manage Items" to see which items are named with the prefix.
- Make sure each of the named content items in Excel STARTS with the "Item Name Prefix", for example "r_".
- The "Item Name Prefix" is on the "Submit" tab in Excel.
Excel only submits a single item at a time
You should be able to submit dozens or hundreds+ of items each Submit
- Ensure the "Item Name Prefix" only contains a short prefix, like "r_".
- And does NOT contain the entire item name (for example, Item Name Prefix "r_CustomerName" would only submit a single item).
Word/PowerPoint is not getting/importing Submitted content from Excel |
- Under the "List" tab in the add-in in Excel, click on "List/Manage Items" to see what you are submitting from Excel. From the "Submit" tab in the Excel add-in click "Submit" to send content. On the "Link" tab in Word or PowerPoint click "Get Excel Content". Word/PowerPoint should import/receive the same number of items submitted from Excel.
If Word/PowerPoint doesn't receive items submitted from Excel:
- Some computers (Macs) require entry of a Connection ID in the Word or PowerPoint add-in on the "Update" tab. The Connection ID should be the same on each add-in. You can find it on the Submit tab in Excel and Update tab in Word and PowerPoint. If it is blank in Word or PPT, please fill in the one found in Excel.
- Try to sign in. Sign in on Excel first, then Word or PPT.
- Try to reload the add-ins: see top-right corner of the add-in. Then resubmit in Excel and "Get Excel Content" from Word or PowerPoint
"Update Document" or "Get Excel Content" gets old Excel data (from a prior Submit) |
- Each Submit overwrites prior submits.
- Resubmit content from Excel and on the "List" tab. On the "Link" Tab in Word or PPT, click "Get Excel Content", then click "List Links (All Controls)" to make sure the correct information is listed.
- Ensure you are signed in the same way in both add-ins that you are using.
- It is possible that Excel is submitting using "Cloud Transfers", but Word is importing using "Direct Transfer" (or vice-versa. Ensure the "Transfer/Upload Settings" match. Or try changing the "Transfer/Upload Settings" settings. "Transfer/Upload Settings" are found at the bottom of the "sign-in" page of the add-in.
Some content is not being updated in Word or PowerPoint |
- Ensure you "Submit" current content from Excel, then on the "Link" tab in Word/PowerPoint, click "Get Excel Content", then to troubleshoot link issues:
- In Word: Use the tools under "Existing Content Controls" and "Appearance of Content Controls" > "Show All" to see the link status of all items.
- In PowerPoint: Select a shape to see if it is linked and/or "List all Linked Shapes". And after the update, on the Link tab of the original pptx, see list of updated items.
Other Issues
Usage Limit Exceeded
Add-in says "Size Limit Exceeded" or similar.
- Ensure that you are signed into the add-in. Your name should appear in the bottom-right of the add-in.
- Signing into the add-in will make sure you have the proper usage limits for your account. If you are signed in and it is still showing "Limit Exceeded", you can check your usage by clicking on your name at the bottom right hand corner of the add-in. Under Account Summary you can see your subscription details. You can also check your Data Usage further down the page. You may need to upgrade your subscription to meet your usage needs.
Cannot Save
Save and Save As are greyed-out
- See Office Ribbon > Trust Center > Trust Center > Trust Center Settings… > File Block Settings. Ensure that "Save" is not checked for the file type.
Cannot perform Cloud Updates or Cloud Transfers |
- On the account tab (click bottom of add-in), under "Transfer/Upload Settings", adjust the settings there.
- If you have a business account, it is possible your administrator has disabled Uploads in the AnalysisPlace admin portal.