Frequently Asked Questions and Answers

Getting Started


1. Under the insert tab of Excel, PowerPoint or Word click the "Get Add-ins" icon and search for "Excel-to-Word Document Automation."
2. Click the green "Add" button to load the Add-in to your application.
3. Click on "Got It" and then the "Automate Content" icon that appears on the right-hand side of the top ribbon of your application to open the add-in and get started


1. Appsource now requires the use of Microsoft Edge to acquire add-ins
2. Search for "Excel-to-Word Document Automation" through and click on Get it Now.
3. Sign into you Microsoft Account if needed, then click continue
4. Choose the application you wish to use, the application will open with the Add-in placed on the top right-hand side of the ribbon
5. You will need to open a new or existing application to get started


After you register on our website an email is sent to the email address you registered with to verify your account. You must complete the verification process to sign into your account. If you can't find the verification email, please check your spam folder


When using Word, Excel or PowerPoint applications through OneDrive make sure you are using the regular menu ribbon on each application. If you are using the simple ribbon the add-in will not appear. Another way to make the add-in appear is to click on the home tab, which will open up the menu ribbon.

The Basics


The add-in wasn’t designed to do mail merge (high volume of document updates). It is more focused on updating more-complex documents (one at a time).


There could be a couple of reasons. First submit your changes through the add-in in Excel by clicking on the blue "Submit Content" button on the submit tab of the add-in. Second make sure that you select "Update Document" on the Update tab of the add-in in Word. If it still doesn't seem to be updating check to see if your links have been established


If you are using the add-in through Excel you can find "List Linkable Content" on the List tab of the add-in. In Word under the Link tab in the add-in you'll find "List Excel Source (All Controls)". In PowerPoint under the Link tab in the add-in you can find the links by clicking "List Linked Content". The items in these two lists will show all of your linked content


Where downloaded documents appear, depends on your operating system. Windows - downloaded documents will automatically open on your computer. Mac - you can find them in the downloads folder on the dock, or in the download in a web browser, like Safari or Google Chrome, if you have that browser open after you've downloaded the file

Linking and Mapping Content


Please see Create Excel Links for step by step instructions



Please see Word Linking for step by step instructions



Please see our PowerPoint linking step by step and video instructions


The links created through our add-in are durable and portable. Renaming or moving files or adding columns, etc won't affect the links. The links can only be broken by changing sheet names in Excel or the names of the ranges used.

Subscriptions and Limits


Each subscription has different limits. Our free "Basic" version does not require registration or login and is a great option to evaluate the add-in and for users with basic content automation needs. There are three levels of free subscriptions and three levels of paid subscriptions as well as business feature level options. All limits are explained here. Limits are based on Document Updates, Item Points and Data per month as well as Update size


You will see a yellow/red warning on the bottom of the add-in as you approach your subscription limit. Once you meet your limit, your ability to use the add-in will be stopped. Your limits will reset each month or with an upgraded subscription.


Anyone using the add-in can utilize our Advanced Features, the only limitations would be based on the usage limits of your subscription


First you will need to register and login to AnalysisPlace by using the lock icon on the top right hand corner of any page. Next go to our purchase page, choose your subscription level and complete your purchase through PayPal


Go to the purchase page and sign into your AnalysisPlace account. Choose your subscription level and complete your purchase through PayPal. While in PayPal cancel your Preapproved Payments for the subscription you no longer wish to keep. In PayPal click on Settings > Payments > My Preapproved Payments. Please note that only one subscription (the one with the higher limits) will be available for your login. You will need to cancel the subscription that you no longer want


Subscriptions are cancelled through PayPal. Log into your PayPal account. Click on Settings> Payments> My Preapproved Payments